Our Rules Of Play
As easy as 3 4 5
Community Building through 3Ps
Through a collaborative partnership approach using the 3P model - Public, People and Private, we bring together like-minded communities. This is our SOFTWARE.
Placemaking through 4As
We empower communities to transform spaces into vibrant hubs and deliver shared community benefits for creative collaborations through the 4A framework - Affordability, Accessibility, Awareness & Adoption. This is our HARDWARE.
Reimagine Giving through 5Ts
We influence key stakeholders to multiply impact through the contribution of these 5T factors - Treasure, Time, Testimonial, Talent & Trust. This is our HEARTWARE.
Yvonne Siow
Yvonne is a strategic collaborator focused on placemaking, community building, and fostering People, Public, and Private partnerships. With diverse experiences, she advocates for businesses to be a force for good through Play, driving positive social impact and building a social economy.
Grace Chew
Director of Creative & Community
Grace is a dynamic leader in philanthropy with expertise in marcomms and events management. She believes in purposeful content development, engaging stakeholder relations, and project management, driven by a passion for community building and fostering meaningful connections.
STARHUB - American Chamber Of Commerce - NATIONAL ARTS COUNCIL - TAN CHIN TUAN FOUNDATION - CENTRAL CDC - nanyang polytechnic - Singapore Management University - National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre -
Our Partners
Playpan is an award-winning social movement
that champions for thought leaders and
change makers to play and do good together.
Glass Dome, landmark of good :
28 China Street Far East Square, S049570